Michael Rudolph 2003:

"The Quest for Difference vs the Wish to Assimilate: Taiwan's Aborigines and their Struggle for Cultural Survival in Times of Multiculturalism"

(Abstract of paper published in: Rubinstein, Murray & Paul Katz (eds) 2003, Religion and the Formation of Taiwanese Identities. New York: St.Martins/Palgrave (ISBN: 0-312-23969-6), p. 123-156.)


1. Tian Guishi's homepage 'The Facial Tattoo of Tayal'

2. Acceptance of the cultural perspectives of elites within Aboriginal society

3. A methodological excursus

4. Multicultural Taiwan

5. Taiwanese Multiculturalism

6. The Background and Functions of the Multiculturalism of the 90s and the Role of Aborigines

7. The Strive for Authenticity

8. The Quest for 'Yuanzhumin-Subjectivity': the 'Re-emmergence' of Headhunting

9. The Reasons for the Change of Attitude towards Headhunting

10. Taiwanese subjectivity and Aborigines subjectivity: the search for new paths for the deconstruction and subversion of Han-hegemony and Han-centrism




The advantages and disadvantages of multicultural politics for minority groups are widely discussed (Taylor 1992); so are the impacts of multiculturalism to the notion of culture: one of the most notable shifts is a growing tendency to 'stage difference and authenticity' in order to be recognized in one's 'right to be different' (Schiffauer 1997).

The claim for multiculturalism in Taiwan's political and cultural sphere since the early 90s affects Taiwan's Austronesian population and the cultures of these peoples in various ways. It can be observed that particular segments of Aboriginal society (which may differ in social strata as well as in ethnic backgrounds) often have completely different and even mutually excluding views on the question of which parts of a particular culture shall be preserved, revitalized, renewed or omitted - a divergency which fosters new contradictions between ethnic elites and the people. For instance: During the first Aboriginal Culture Congress in 1994 Taiwanese Aboriginal activists staged a symbolical 'culture headhunting raid' in order to utter their demands for cultural, educational and political autonomy more convincingly. This action was by no means praised by all members of Aboriginal society. On the other hand, activists often express their discontent about the 'lack of authenticity' in the innovational activities of Aborigines engaged in representation of 'Aboriginal culture' for tourism. This paper, partly based on field research in Taiwan from 1994-96, discusses the relation of Aboriginal culturalism to popular culture as well as the socio-cultural context in which the strive for recognition takes place (i.e., the values minority groups refer to).


My paper mostly focuses on the last point I mention in my abstract, that is 'the socio-cultural context in which the strive for recognition takes place and the values minority groups refer to'. During my stay with the Taroko in Hualian, I realized that ordinary people often have very different perceptions of their own past than the elites, who are (and may also feel) expected to expose their 'authenticity' or their 'Aboriginal subjectivity' in order to nourish and testify 'Taiwanese subjectivity'. If the latter wants to continue to serve as a crucial legitimizing factor for non-unification and non-incorporation, it has to show its maturity, which is only possible by testifying that 'multiculturalism' (which itself serves as a testification that there exists more than one homogeneous, mainland based Chinese culture on Taiwan) works.




Picture 1: Cover of the Comic `The Wushe-Incident`, written and painted by Qiu Ruolong (1990).

Picture 2: Cover of the book of Liyijing Youma (1995) `Tradition` with paintings of Qiu Ruolong.

Picture 3: Headhunting-Scene from the colletion of Atayal legends of Duo`ao and Adong (1991), painted by Qiu Ruolong.


List of Literature


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